Lukas van Bentum (b. 1995, DE) grew up in Germany, and is currently based in Brussels.
He is mainly working on long-term projects dealing with the nuanced intersections of identity, power, privilege, and marginalization in countries such as Germany, Russia, Moldova, Great Britain, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Through his artistic practice, he explores the intricate dynamics of individual and communal identity and its profound susceptibility to cultural, historical, and political influences. Within a world where notions of identity are constantly shaped and contested, he seeks to unravel the complexities that lie beneath the surface.
He already exhibited in places such as YUGEN Ghent, MARTa Herford, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Landesmuseum Koblenz and NRW-Forum Düsseldorf. In 2019, he was selected for the renowned guteaussichten – new german photography 2019/2020 award with his project Identity Negotiation. For his project Spectacle, he was awarded with the Roger de Conynck Price of the King Baudouin Foundation.
He is mainly working on long-term projects dealing with the nuanced intersections of identity, power, privilege, and marginalization in countries such as Germany, Russia, Moldova, Great Britain, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Through his artistic practice, he explores the intricate dynamics of individual and communal identity and its profound susceptibility to cultural, historical, and political influences. Within a world where notions of identity are constantly shaped and contested, he seeks to unravel the complexities that lie beneath the surface.
He already exhibited in places such as YUGEN Ghent, MARTa Herford, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Landesmuseum Koblenz and NRW-Forum Düsseldorf. In 2019, he was selected for the renowned guteaussichten – new german photography 2019/2020 award with his project Identity Negotiation. For his project Spectacle, he was awarded with the Roger de Conynck Price of the King Baudouin Foundation.
2019 - 2022 Master of Fine Arts, Photography / Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent (BE)
2017 - 2018 Erasmus, Photography / Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent (BE)
2015 - 2019 Bachelor of Arts, Photography / Fachhochschule Bielefeld (DE)
2023 UNEXPOSED, PhotoTWENS 2023, Romaanse Port, Leuven (BE)
2022 (Un)broken, KASK, Gent (BE)
2021 UNEXPOSED, PhotoTWENS 2021, Romaanse Port, Leuven (BE)
2021 FotoForum Talent, FotoForum Brasschaat (BE)
2020 gute aussichten – new german photography 2019/2020, Landesmuseum Koblenz (DE)
2020 gute aussichten – new german photography 2019/2020, Deichtorhallen Hamburg (DE)
2020 7th LUMIX Festival for Young Visual Journalism, Hanover (DE)
2019 gute aussichten – new german photography 2019/2020, NRW Forum Düsseldorf (DE)
2019 Werkschau, Department of Art and Design, Bielefeld (DE)
2018 File not found, YUGEN, Ghent (BE)
2017 Kosmos, MARTa, Herford (DE)
2016 Tales and Tiles, Department of Art and Design, Bielefeld (DE)
2022 "Hallo, ich komme aus der siebten Liga", 11FREUNDE, #245, (DE)
2022 "Der implantierte Mikrochip", taz FUTURZWEI, #19 (DE)
2021 "Im Land der grünen Bananen", 11FREUNDE, #235, (DE)
2021 Identity Negotiation, Die Politische Meinung, #566, (DE)
2017 Utopia, HANT Magazin #09, (DE)
2023 Roger de Conynck Grant, King Baudouin Foundation (BE)
2017-2022 Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes e.V. Grant (DE)
Awards & Selections
2023 Pitch your photo project, De Donkere Kamer #28, first prize (BE)
2023 UNEXPOSED, PhotoTWENS 2021, laureate (BE)
2022 Roger de Conynck Price, King Baudouin Foundation (BE)
2021 UNEXPOSED, PhotoTWENS 2021, laureate (BE)
2020 FotoForum Talent, FotoForum Brasschaat, laureate (BE)
2019 gute aussichten - new german photography 2019/2020, laureate (DE)